This is a list of articles/books I have read and found interesting. Most of these come from the recommendations of people I follow on Twitter and elsewhere. If you resonate with the material collected here, do reach out to me [@Telegram]( Would love to discuss the content below. Also, it'd be great if you could recommend articles/books to read about Social Structures and Behavioural Science (Neuroscience & Economics). I'll work on categorizing article entries with relevant tags. ## Articles - [Memos (sriramk)]( - These fascinating memos were written for a target audience in a corporate setting capture how industries think, and how they shape the industry. Most of these articles are dated and the predictions therein might have not gone point by point, however, the main motive here is to understand how these people think. - [Common Plots of Economic History (CF)]( - Finding common structures helps in retaining information. It also makes the subject matter interesting. The more a person is able to associate new knowledge with the existing ones, the better he/she is able to appreciate the underlying message. Probably that's why storytelling is an art. This article highlights the commonalities in the most influential events in global history. Slick read! - [How to Overcome Your Fear of Failure with The Bucky Method]( - Everybody suggests you to read Thinking Fast and Slow, a few are actually able to finish it. This article presents a great application of the concepts explored in the book. So for those of you who started but never finished, maybe resume here :). ## Books Goodreads widget provides static code for lists created once, changes I make on Goodreads to this list (mostly additions) won't be reflected dynamically. Tapping on the title does take you to the Goodreads dynamic page. Will look for a fix for this.

Siddhant's bookshelf: my-recommendations

Business Adventures
tagged: my-recommendations
The Elon Musk Blog Series: Wait But Why
tagged: currently-reading and my-recommendations
The Kite Runner
tagged: my-recommendations
The Last Lecture
tagged: to-read and my-recommendations
Let's Talk Money
tagged: my-recommendations
The Mamba Mentality: How I Play
tagged: my-recommendations
More Money Than God: Hedge Funds and the Making of the New Elite
tagged: currently-reading and my-recommendations
Never Split the Difference
tagged: currently-reading and my-recommendations
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
tagged: currently-reading and my-recommendations
Thinking, Fast and Slow
tagged: currently-reading and my-recommendations